Saturday, June 20, 2009

technology helpme!!!!

After 6+ months searching for my next phone, I finally decided on a Samsung Impression. It is a kissing cousin to the iPhone...... without the iPhone charges. There are, of course, some differences. I think this phone will be a perfect transition phone to touch screen 3G technology.... but this old dog will have to study her help manual to learn the new tricks. So, if you try to call me, leave me a message and give me a little time. I WILL get back. Another of life's little adventures!!!!


Amy said...

AWESOME! What a hip mama!!!

Donna said...

I guess I missed this post while I was in my post surgery stupor. I hope u love your phone as much as I do my iPhone. Mine I use in therapy. Proloquo2go is an augmentative communication app. It was an expensive app but I assess with it and have done training with it. One of my clients now has it on her new iPhone.