Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bible Study-

Tonight was the first meeting of this year's PW bible study. Our study is the book of Luke and about his Gospel for the Poor. It started some very good discussion about issues of being "poor" as in being on the outside of the mainstream. Three of the members in the group are new to our town and they talked about their different experiences of feeling accepted or feeling "outside". Two are single with no family connections here. One is married and her husband has lived in this area for quite a while. One of the two single ladies found it difficult to feel accepted and find friends. The other two did not. It was uplifting to hear how our small church gave them a connection and a feeling of belonging. That is as it should be.

1 comment:

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I must say I'm very proud of you for blogging so much! It's fun to see updates when I come to check my blog!