I've decided I am going to use this venue to finally write a story that I have promised myself for 10 years.... literally, 10 years. It will be written as I find/make the time to get the thoughts in my head arranged so that I am satisfied with what I am doing. My story is about a time when God gave Pops and me an opportunity that on the surface seemed to be all about another creature, but was, by far, more about us.
This is our story of Free Willie......yes, I know a movie has already been made (and maybe a book written) with this same title. But, in reality, that is what we called this experience. In this written account, I think I will refer to this Willie as WB. That would be for Willie Bird or it could be WS- Willie Swallow or WCS- Willie Cliff Swallow. Yes, that's right, the creature God brought to us was a common cliff or house swallow. The dark, blue black insectivors that race around the sky capturing meals. They build mud and grass nests in the most inconvenient places, over doorways or walkways, over patio furniture, leaving mounds of bird droppings in the worst of places. Until this particular summer, I had battled against them by spraying ammonia water in the areas I didn't want them to nest or knocking down the nests as they were being built. But WB was to change our whole outlook.
To really begin this story I also have to include one of our canine companions, Mayday. It was Mayday who brought WB to us. At the time she was only a pup, about 5 months old. She had been rescued from the dog pound on May 1st and so received her name, "Mayday". Of all the animals I have ever spent time with, I have never known a spirit any more gentle than hers. Her story is one that should also be told. Maybe that will be at another time.
The story of WB had it's beginning one morning in July, shortly after we had delivered our youngest to the United States Air Force Academy for summer training prior to entering their world of academics. Right here is where we should have realized that God had sent this little creature to us for a purpose. Our youngest had left the nest to pursue a future in the skies. Yes, we were "empty nesters" and feeling it all the way home in that long drive from Colorado Springs to South Texas. Once home, the void not yet filled, we filled our thoughts with support for our son. We even ran and worked out because we knew that would be what he was doing. It was a form of spiritual moral support. And a form of prayer for his strength and endurance.
Oh, I remember this. Not well you understand so I'll be glad to recount it here.
I can't wait to read the rest! So glad you decided to do this!!!
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