My dumb stunt of the year..... I wrestled with an avocado and the avocado won. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! I was making salad July 4th at Cecily and Farris' party house. Cut the avocado in half then attempted to remove the seed with the tip of my knife (while still holding the avacado in my hand). The seed slipped and I gouged a half inch deep by one and a half inch long slice into the palm of my hand. Being late evening on the 4th of July and not wanting to sit eons in the ER..... I also didn't want anyone by Dr. G to work on it if there had to be any work done.... we cleaned it up with peroxide and packed it with gauze until the next morning. Surprisingly it didn't bleed much and really didn't hurt much. Dr. G was in surgery all morning so he finally saw me at 2:00...... opened the wound and basically told me I should have had it sutured the evening before for optimal results in healing. Seems I cut the nerves to the lower part of my index finger and cut through a vein, both of which will heal over time. Good news was that I had not severed a tendon. Really the main reason I even went to the DR was for antibiotics. Today the hand is stiff and has 4 sutures on the outside. I think he put 3 or 4 inside as well. I guess that's about all from here. Back to painting cabinets in the utility room.
All I have to say is Yuuuk-eee! As long as you can wipe your tears at the wedding, you are good to go!
Yikes! I'm glad you're ok! It sounds like the injury hasn't slowed you down any! :)
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